The story of when I ate a very spicy Yakisoba (Peyoung)


※Currently I’m studying English.
 Therefore, there is a possibility that inappropriate expressions will be made.
 If the expression is wrong, it would be helpful if you could point it out.

[Today’s Gratitude]
When I was about to leave the room, the children took the initiative to open the door.

Thank you my children.
But to be honest, there are things that get in the way.
Moreover, please don’t get into a fight, trying to get the two of you to open it…

Well, this time, it’s a little past, it’s a story of Yakisoba (Peyoung).
Actually, my wife received the following items on her birthday.

My wife like the spicy food.
In the “CoCo Ichi”, She ask for curry of spicy level 10 every time.

At this time, she said that she ate this Yakisoba for the 2nd time.
1st time, she couldn’t eat it all because it was too spicy.

Perhaps because of that relationship, I also eat half this time.

I like spicy too.
However, there is a high probability that it will be my stomachache.
(Really bad case) I ate a super spicy chorizo, and I’ll be stomachache‥‥

With such a reason, We will eat it this time.
It’s a little scary though!

At first I try to eat a bite and I choke on. (suddenly…)
Why it choke on…? Is it my body refuses?
Still, I carry it to my mouth, chew it, and swallow it.


It came‥‥

it hurts it hurts it hurts hurts hurts hurts and hurts of hurts to hurts for hurts! ! ! !

In an instant, I decided, “It’s too painful to eat!” and tried to eat it all at once.

And I choke on the way‥‥.

Still do my best and managed to eat it all.

pain! Too painful!
I can’t speak from here.
Even if I put water in my mouth, the pain would not subside, and even if I put ice in my mouth, nothing would change.
Dump the ice down the drain with a wordless (rather unspeakable) scream.

Just when I was in despair, my wife brought me a glass of her milk.
When I drink milk, the pain miraculously disappears!
However, as soon as I finished drinking it, the pain returned! !
So, keep drinking…

Even when the milk is in my mouth, it didn’t have much of an effect.
Even a small amount is quite effective.
Therefore, I drank milk little by little.

This is a relief…

‥ ‥ I thought, but this time my stomach is getting full.
However, since time has passed so far, the original pain is probably subside,,, to some extent!
Thinking that all this is unavoidable, I make up my mind and stop drinking milk.

From the sitting position, bend my lower back and endure the pain.
While thinking, “Compared to the suffering of 〇〇, it’s still better.”
It took about a few tens of seconds… I managed to endure the pain until I could endure it.

Somehow, I won the pain.
Milk is amazing!
Originally, it seems better to drink before eating, but it was quite effective even after eating.

It seems that casein in milk suppresses capsaicin, which is a spicy component.

And after everything calms down, my wife says something shocking.

Wife「 “I gave the Yakisoba to Tamito is not half, but one-third. 」

No way, I didn’t even eat half of it even though it was so painful…
It was a plain shock.
And I was surprised that my wife ate 2/3 of it.

Well then, that’s it for today!

Oh, I broke my stomach properly!

